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ISHIKAWA Yukie 《Spring Equinox 2007-3》 2007

ISHIKAWA Yukie 《Spring Equinox 2007-3》 2007

The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama

2208-1, Isshiki, Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0111
Tel. +81 46 875 2800

The Best Collection: Contemporary Art

23 July - 2 October 2011

A choice selection of contemporary art, from the works of 1950s onwards to today,are presented in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the opening of our museum.
During these 65 years after World War Ⅱ, the contemporary art in Japan has made a new history by developing and expanding. While learning form the former ways of painting and sculpturing, the artisits were never satisfied with their present works and were eager enough to seek for more and more.
Throught this exhibition, you can survey the movement of art from 1950s to now. And if you look at each works carefully,you could be able to feel the various thoughts and sensations through them.

[Gallery Talk]
Exhibition curators will talk about the exhibition in the gallery (Japanese only)
29, July 14.00-
5, August 14.00-

No bookings needed, free with exhibition ticket
Meet in the foyer


Monday(except 19 September)

Museum hours

9:30-17:00(the last admission at 16:30)


Adults 700 yen (600 yen)
Under 20 and Students 550 yen (450 yen)
65 and over 350 yen
High school students 100 yen

  • 20 or more persons' group are reduction charge in brackets.
  • Students under junior high school age are no charge. Disabled visitors are also no charge.
  • "Family Communication Day" - reduced entry for all family members (except for 65 and over) accompanied by children under 18.

